![]() 01/20/2017 at 13:07 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
fucking deal with it holy shit. there was not this much whining when Obama won.
I hope trump does extremely well. You know why? Because hoping he will crash and burn is like saying you hope the guy flying your plane crashes it and dies.
guess what, you are on the plane too. You better freaking hope he does well.
we now return to our regularly scheduled motorcycle content.
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I dont hope he crashes and burns, I KNOW he’ll crash and burn
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then you better hope he does well, because your screwed otherwise.
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Obama didn’t brag about sexually assaulting women. The main complaint about Obama seemed to be that he’s black.
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Aren’t you Canadian?
That might explain why you don’t seem to recall the protests to Obama’s election:
We’re on a plane with a pilot who has demonstrated zero desire or capacity to even learn how to fly a plane, it’s understandable to look for parachutes.
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Nah I’ll go down with the ship. I did my part and voted against him and lost. Not my fault people are stupid.
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there was not this much whining when Obama won.
Yes. Yes there was.
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Says the guy who’s not on the plane...
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A better analogy would be that hoping he crashes and burns is like hoping that the much more qualified co-pilot will take command when the prominent captain is found to be wholly incompetent. This is a thing I would DESPERATELY hope for if I were on that plane.
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no, i’m in the glider right behind you.
canada isnt THAT far apart from you (as much as I hate to admit it) so w/e happens to you is somehow going to affect me.
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This is the proper response. Keep fighting, keep angry. Unless he learns how to fly (he won’t), we’re all fucked.
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yea, and? w/e happens to you, it going to affect us in someway shape form or another. I hate to admit it, but thats the story.
also, by all means, look for the chute. but dont hope the guy is going to crash to begin with.
![]() 01/20/2017 at 13:15 |
I concur. This is just common sense. Now, maybe some people need a cathartic rant, and that’s fine to a certain extent. But, there are plenty of people who think that this president needs to be thwarted at every turn because evil or whatever. That shit is counter productive whether it comes from democrats, republicans, whatever. I believe in loyal opposition, not this burn the house down crap that seems to be in vogue these days.
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The first Trump-O’Leary summit should be interesting.
Soon all world leaders will be former game show hosts
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But what kind of bike would Trudeau ride?
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people are standing at the ready to impeach him. At least Pence won’t start WW3.
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And that might explain why you don’t seem to recall the protests to Obama’s election.
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Are we only supposed to be excellent to each other about topics we agree on?
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Believe it or not, The Donald doesn’t worry me much. He’s an idiot, but I get the feeling he’ll just get bored when he finds out how hard the job is. That’s what I’m hoping for anyway. Pence on the other hand is an actual fundie demagogue who believes that the world is 6000 years old and you can electrocute the gay out of people. That guy scares me.
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IDk, he has a thing for classics
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fucking deal with it holy shit. there was not this much whining when Obama won.
You guys don’t get Fox News up there, do you? ;)
oh, motorcycle content:
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Yes but Obama knew what he was doing, had a desire to hold the office, and didn’t brag about sexually assaulting women.
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Something very expensive and French, probably.
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The best part of 2017 is the Canadian Hot Takes
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that poor bike...
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Why are Americans so terrible at protesting
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Pence is more likely to believe that he’s doing god’s work by ushering in the apocalypse.
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One: we ain’t actually gonna see those new MotoGP bikes until Losail. Bummer.
Two: I worry more about the kind of people his administration has enabled. More than Drumpf, the people he appoints, his allies, and his supporters, are just as destructive a force as any nuclear warhead the US has. And I fear for the people in other countries who look up to these people and see them as idols worth emulating, and can harness the power of the internet and an ability to tap into human nature to rally behind ideas their idols espouse. We’ve reached critical mass, and I have a bad feeling that, unlike the past, those who let it happen will completely get away with it.
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And still is
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Because we’re taught that it’s unpatriotic and shameful, like premarital sex!
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Because being the best, we have less to protest.
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there was not this much whining when Obama won.
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two business men with game shows.
compared to how fucked the liberals made ontario (seriously, they raised the electric and insurance to be 5x anywhere else in the country) i’m all for O’leary.
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But isn’t it patriotic again, as of an hour and a half ago? Or is it the other way around?
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He’s right wing, no doubt, but he’s not reckless and crazy. I’ll take the nutty pilot over the incompetent pilot thanks.
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Depends on who is reporting it
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I remember a certain person also claiming that he had investigators in Hawaii who couldn’t believe what they were finding.
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RIP Canada fighting ISIS
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He seems like a vintage Ducati kinda guy.
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BREAKING: Folks who don’t agree with [insert administration/party here] whine.
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That was caught on video anyway.
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This. I’ve said it all along that I’m not afraid of Trump, I’m afraid of the GOP and their agenda. I’m a historian at heart, but I’m not interested in going back to the 1950s, even if the cars were cool.
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1: then whats that on the MotoGP home page?
2: the only guy who does worry me is Pence. the rest I just laughed at.
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seems a little too odd-ball for him. more like a vintage honda.
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Most of our presidents have been incompetent.
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but a old Honda seems to plain for him. Maybe 2 stroke 3 pot Kawasaki be a good middle ground.
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And “choosing” to be gay.
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We all hope he does extremely well in that he doesn’t let the entire country crash and burn. It’s more than many of us are worried that if he succeeds in the things he wants to do it will bring harm to the country. Conflating the two by using the “he’s our pilot and we’re all on the plane so shut up and support him” analogy is not helpful.
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My sentiment exactly. I don’t want him to totally fuck up, but really it’s going to happen. The dude is fucking clueless. It’s like letting chickens, literal live chickens run a wall street brokerage house. They are just going to walk around pecking at stuff without a clue to how their actions affect anything beyond the initial peck.
![]() 01/20/2017 at 13:29 |
There wasn’t as much bellyaching after Obama won because his election didn’t lead to good, decent people being terrified for their well-being. The only ones afraid of him being in office were nasty bigots.
![]() 01/20/2017 at 13:29 |
The dude is fucking clueless. It’s like letting chickens, literal live chickens run a wall street brokerage house. They are just going to walk around pecking at stuff without a clue to how their actions affect anything beyond the initial peck.
![]() 01/20/2017 at 13:29 |
I agree with both Sideways and you. Pence is a monster, but he’s certainly more qualified than Tangerine Scream.
![]() 01/20/2017 at 13:30 |
On a lighter note. Scooby Nibby 2018?
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We’re on a plane with a pilot who only became a pilot because it makes him look cool.
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canada isnt THAT far apart from you
By that logic, countries that are farther away from the US will be less affected by the President of the United States?
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*sort of, with help from a system that is the literal analog to affirmative action for states of smaller stature. As opposed to an actual democracy, which at a national level we have never had.
Also, irony has been noted. “Guys guys guys! Just let it go and stop talking about it and drawing attention to it!” To what? The thing I’m talking about!
But I’m still bitter about the lack of electoral reform that has taken place. (Real electoral reform, not this utter bullshit about taking people off the voting rolls).
![]() 01/20/2017 at 13:32 |
Dijon mustard is a luxury.
![]() 01/20/2017 at 13:33 |
How about this - protesting policies is patriotic. Protesting people, not so much. Much of the protests against Obama were focused on his race and presumed lack-of citizenship, not on substantive policies (see: Tea Party circa 2009, photos above). Those protests were not patriotic, IMO. Same goes for the Code Pink protests in 2006 and 2007 that focused on Bush himself, as opposed to poor policy decisions. (That’s bipartisanship, folks! I hate ’em all equally!).
Protests in front of the Supreme Court, protesting various decisions (Citizens United, gay marriage, etc.), or protesting ACA or other policies at the White House and Capitol, all fine and good. Those were and are expressions of difference of opinion, even if I don’t agree with you. In the same way, the current protests aren’t about Trump per se, but about the culture and policies that he brings with him. Repealing ACA, building a wall, gutting voting rights laws, etc. are all things worth protesting.
![]() 01/20/2017 at 13:33 |
Let’s not forget our new Tangerine in Chief complained for FIVE years about that.
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HondaBro/SaveTheIntegras 2020
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Anything within ICBM range is equally affected by POTUS
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I’ll see you in Canadian hell then. It’s probably all in metric and have floppy heads.
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But it’s Scoob’s turn.
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to some extend.
with who do you have the largest border in the world, trade almost 20% of your total exports with, share laws, etc etc etc with?
mexico, also neighboors with the US. i dont need to go there do I?
mean while, the poor bastard on the other side of the world in spain prroooobably has less to worry about then either of us.
![]() 01/20/2017 at 13:38 |
“He won, you lost”
He won on a technicality; however, I don’t necessarily hope he fails. While I would like for Trump’s (albeit unrealistic) plan to bring back jobs and punish corporations for choosing money over people to succeed, I hope his Obamacare plan, tax plan, immigration plan, anti-Muslim ideals, military goals, nuclear weapons plan, etc fail, because the success of those goals goes against my beliefs and what’s good for the country. If Trump succeeds, then he can cause the country to crash and burn, and we could go down with him.
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Thanks Hannity for that insight.
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Why does it matter if we hope he fails? I won’t be able to influence anything until mid term elections.
That’s like me saying I hope New England loses. I’m not on the field and I don’t influence anything, so what difference does it make?
![]() 01/20/2017 at 13:39 |
You’re right that whatever happens to us is going to affect everyone around us. However, lack of stability in policy and personality will affect everyone else as well. Our new president has no stable notion of policy, and suffers from severe personality deficits that are going to make your lives hell as long as he’s in office. He may do “well” by some standards, but as long as his attention span (and his opinions on key matters) have a half-life of mere hours, everyone will suffer. Not just here, but in North America, the Western Hemisphere, and every other continent. Don’t chastise us for not hoping for your version of the “best” when we’ve already been watching and listening to his version of the “best” for the last three months.
When someone exhibits a clear authoritarian bent, you better fucking listen to what they say and take them at their word. If you think he’s kidding, or think he’ll moderate in office, you do so at your own peril.
![]() 01/20/2017 at 13:39 |
These people actually believe in the rapture, and are looking forward to it....
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Isn’t that why most people become pilots? Member Top Gun?
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yea, i get the irony too. i’m more bitching about ppl bitching. (hey, at least I dont do this often)
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Dijon mustard is unpatriotic because it’s French. Ironically, French’s is patriotic because it’s not.
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I dont think he will moderate in office, but I think the office will moderate HIM.
it one thing to say: BAN EVERYONE OF THIS and quite another to actually put in place.
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No, I never watched it.
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The “won*” shtick is getting old, this isn’t the first time the popular vote didn’t correlate with the electoral voting but nobody went crazy about it before. There is also the fact that up until late December there was still a possibility of faithless electors (which the system is also designed for) to change the results of the election for the good of the country.
We are also not a democracy, we are a republic which is clearly reflected in the electoral college structure. If you don’t like the electoral college people could have campaigned to revise it before, not just after your preferred candidate lost.
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‘16 bikes with ‘17 liveries.
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The office moderates people capable of being moderated. He’s shown throughout the last two years that he is not capable of being moderated. Don’t forget he has a complicit congress for at least two years, and right now there aren’t nearly enough Republicans willing to stand up to him, and far too many Democrats that will sign off on just enough to be a problem. He will absolutely try.
Take him at his word.
![]() 01/20/2017 at 13:50 |
Mitch McConnell (Who may or may not be an actual turtle) has said that he hoped Obama would fail.
So yeah, a lot lot lot of hypocrisy.
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A better analogy would be you’re on the tarmac and you realize the pilot is hooped up on uppers and has never flown a plane before. Then he says he’s going to start throwing Mexican passengers out once you’re in the air. In that case, yeah, I hope he never gets the plane off the ground.
I’m apolitical and don’t like any of these guys, but I just wanted to correct your analogy. Now to the moto content:
![]() 01/20/2017 at 13:56 |
That’s about 3 1/2 years longer than people expect Trump’s presidency to last.
![]() 01/20/2017 at 13:58 |
is that fucking Putin on a harley trike...
![]() 01/20/2017 at 14:02 |
It had some sik fast n furious underglows too.
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Well shit I’ve electrocuted myself plenty of times and I’m still bi. Fuck.
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I know, right? You’d think I’d be straight with all of the electrical work I do.
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I’ve ranted about the electoral college since I learned about it many many many years ago in high school.
I’ve talked about it, but finding a manner or method to change it does not appear to be in the cards because “tradition” is sacrosanct. (Don’t even get me started on the 2000 election)
It is as I described, a system for making a population unequal in regard to their electoral power.
Also, the hope on my end was that we would see the constitutionality of the blatantly unconstitutional faithless elector laws finally brought to light in court, but no, we marched on like sheep to the abattoir because resistance and questioning tradition are hard.
![]() 01/20/2017 at 14:07 |
I’ve seen it all now.
wonder why they didnt do red/white and blue, FOR MAMA RUSSIA
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It seems like this is the view of most history geeks I know. I’m so sick of the hyperbole at the moment.
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I’m on the other side, I appreciate that a population dense state or region can’t just determine the election. I view it as less about the individual votes, but by using the electoral college we can balance the power of different regions. My interests and critical issues may not be the same in Michigan as they are for someone in California.
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And the French were our allies in the Revolutionary war.
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I’m curious how old he is too, because I feel like there are a lot of early-20s Trump supporters who honestly don’t know how it was in 2008/9 because they were in high school, so they get to act aghast at the resistance from people.
![]() 01/20/2017 at 14:19 |
He’ll probably be in Sturgis this year now that Trump is president. I heard a story yesterday about how that nationalist Russian motorcycle gang want to do a ride through America.
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Like most French “victories,” only possible because America.
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“just get over it” the rallying cry of boot lickers everywhere.
Protest and public skewering of elected officials is American like apple pie.
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2009 inauguration turnout vs today’s. Says a lot.
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In this case, the copilot wants to throw all the LGBT passengers off the plane (by past history, not speculation of what the pilot might do). So no, the co-pilot isn’t an option.
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Aren’t you from Canada?
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*seed title, stars immediately*